Modes Of Parking
Commuter can select from any of the 3 modes to create a Parking Event.
You must obtain a receipt or an electronic confirmation of your parking event before leaving the lot.

Download ParkHyderabad app – Search/Select an available space from the displayed parking lots in the map.

Commuters at the parking lot can call the customer number with Parking lot and Bay Info - Provide Vehicle Details.

Check the availability over the app. Drive your vehicle to your desired location and our operator shall assist you create a parking entry.
About ParkHyderabad
ParkHyderabad is a FREE parking app that can be used to search for parking spots in your city
ParkHyderabad Citizen Mobile App with its intuitive design has real-time information on occupancy and availability of parking spaces in and around your commuting space. Users could search, select, book, navigate and make electronic payments for their parking space without interacting with an Operator.

Discover available parking spaces and vehicle services anywhere in the city before you head out saving you time and fuel.

Drive to the lot selected, pay online and get an e-ticket. You could pre-book your spot in the off-street, closed and MLP parking lots.
Alternatively, buy a pass that fits your commute needs and have a Bluetooth beacon installed for hassle free auto check-in and check-outs and receive in-app notifications of all your parking events.

Park and start your session with ease or opt for auto check-in and checkout using a Bluetooth Beacon.
You could start your parking session by reaching out to the operator at the lot; provide vehicle details to pay through Cash/Electronic payment for a single parking entry. To get discounted rates and make your parking experience a breeze and hassle free, we recommend that you download ParkHyderabad Citizen app; register your vehicle and obtain a pass to Check-in and out using the app for all your parking needs.
Users can renew the monthly passes via the Citizen app.
Field Enforcement officers will violate vehicles that are ‘Not Paid’, ‘Wrong Parking’, ‘Overtime parking’, ‘Stolen Vehicles’ and ‘No Parking’ near all metro stations. Once violated, customers will need to pay parking fees in addition to the clamp fees collected after the customer receives 3 warnings on the same vehicle.
Please ensure prompt payment of all the charges as the technology to provide surveillance and security to your vehicles can only be arranged with the bare minimum parking charges collected from you.
How it Works
At all the Metro stations, commuters today can obtain a manual ticket via the operator. ParkHyderabad is in the process of implementing complete automation at Metro station lots with minimum to zero operator availability.
Customers could use Citizen app to book a spot for occasional parking needs. To maintain accuracy of parking lot occupancy and availability, customers are required to use the app to check-in and check-out their vehicle on exit. Violations for not doing so will attract towing and clamping fees.

Daily/Frequent Commuter:
ParkHyderabad created semi and fully automated tech solutions using Citizen App and Bluetooth Beacons. Currently, bluetooth is not available at all stations and shall be implemented at all stations by the end of the year.
Download Citizen application or reach out to the operator at the lot to sign up for a variety of passes. Monthly renewals can be done via the app. Once fully automated, we shall reach out to you to get a small beacon fixed onto your vehicle.
Once registered, bluetooth beacon will auto check-in and check-out as you enter and leave the parking lot without you ever having to worry about parking violation challans. Our Semi-automated technology requires you to buy a pass using the Citizen app to check-in and out for your parking needs.
Start Business With ParkHyderabad
Send us the following Info or Contact us through Citizen app